Our Motivation
In urban areas of the developing world, municipalities struggle to maintain safe water in large distribution networks. Water that is clean at the source becomes contaminated as it travels through intermittently pressurized and leaky pipelines, especially where there is inadequate sewage and drainage infrastructure. Both centralized and household-level approaches to water treatment have failed to provide safe water to low-income urban communities at scale. Intermittent water supplies will likely persist in low-income urban settings for the foreseeable future because of freshwater scarcity coupled with population growth.
Our mission is to develop, evaluate, and scale point-of-collection (POC) water disinfection strategies to improve global access to safe water. Learn more about the passive chlorinator device, the Venturi, which automatically doses liquid chlorine at any tap. Read about the different business models that our team has tested with field partners.
Our mission is to develop, evaluate, and scale point-of-collection (POC) water disinfection strategies to improve global access to safe water. Learn more about the passive chlorinator device, the Venturi, which automatically doses liquid chlorine at any tap. Read about the different business models that our team has tested with field partners.